Met dit plaatje heb ik mijn client laten zien dat het een vicieuze cirkel is waar zij als pleaser inzit en dat de teleurstelling in de ander op deze manier ontstaat.
Monday 13 March 2023 hits: 10391MOE, zonder fysieke oorzaken, ontstaat vaak niet omdat we te veel GEDAAN hebben. We hebben vaak te veel GEDACHT, GETOBT. Analyses van deze gedachtes helpen ons om de oorzaak te ontdekken. En de realiteit er van te beoordelen.
Monday 13 February 2023 hits: 10611This article was sent to me and I like to share it because I recognize that we tend to project and ask questions according to our own preferences.
Thursday 26 January 2023 hits: 11120Coaching leads sometimes to leaving the current job and starting a new job. I am always excited when people make a shift when they realize they are not being appreciated, or not being intellectually challenged, burned or bored out, or expected to work too many hours.
Monday 14 November 2022 hits: 14103We talk about Ego when clients experience issues in collaboration. The first step is awareness – you need to start to become aware of when you’re ego is playing up so you can stop it before it’s too late! 10 signs:
Thursday 03 November 2022 hits: 12271
In de zomer hebben we meer tijd om na te denken of we nog tevreden zijn met ons werk. Hieronder staan vragen die betrekking hebben op vijf verschillende aspecten van werk. De analyse van de antwoorden kan je helpen duidelijkheid te geven over:
Everyone knows what it feels like to have a pit in your stomach as you weigh a decision. Scientists call the stomach the “second brain” for a reason. There’s a vast neural network of 100 million neurons lining your entire digestive tract which points to the gut’s incredible processing abilities.
Tuesday 05 July 2022 hits: 13869 My client finds himself avoiding confrontation for the following reasons:
- Fear of rejection when standing up for himself.
Jumping to conclusions is a common reason for conflicts and irritation. And a very common issue to be discussed during the coaching. When we jump to conclusions, we make unwarranted assumptions based on limited information. This type of thinking allows us to make decisions quickly, but it also means that these decisions are quite often wrong. We think we can tell what others are thinking without having any evidence to back up those often-negative assumptions. Or we are so convinced of our right and beliefs that we project our beliefs onto others. How to Reframe Your Conclusions?
"Mijn collega zit totaal in mijn allergie ", wordt vaak genoemd als ik cliënten vraag om een lijstje te maken van wie/wat geeft je energie en wie/wat kost je energie.
Monday 04 April 2022 hits: 19728Pagina 4 van 17