Clients who have difficulty dealing with authority figures is for them a common reason why they enter coaching, and it shows up in several characteristic ways.
1. Some go from job to job because they can't handle a boss. This pattern is usually repeated in their dealings with others "in authority" (e.g., doctor, police officer, maitre'd).
I advise my clients to find a mentor. Now I read in HBR that research shows that people with mentors perform better, advance in their careers faster, and even experience more work-life satisfaction. And.. the mentors benefit too.
After all, “to teach is to learn twice.” Despite all these benefits, and even though 76% of working professionals believe that a mentor is important to growth, more than 54% do not have such a relationship.
The problem is often that people don’t know how to find a mentor or establish a relationship. The following steps can help.
Are you procrastinating in planning a meeting because you are afraid others will put your request off? For any relationship to thrive, both parties have to take responsibility for clearly communicating their needs. Do not assume that others can read your mind. Collaboration is about aligning expectations on mutual needs. Also yours!
Thursday 29 June 2023 hits: 9218Still, many managers I coach find themselves frustrated that delegating through, handing over a task or assignment, doesn’t work. They discover the work isn’t done right or on time — or worse, they end up spending even more time fixing the problems than if they’d done it all themselves. So.. they rather do it themselves. Result: overachieving, working too operationally, and no time to analyze and personally grow strategically. There are four common reasons why most of us think why delegation fails. My direct reports have a:
Tuesday 06 June 2023 hits: 8260Welk gedrag geeft je energie en welk gedrag gedrag kost je energie? Zoek je Energie vreters en
Tuesday 09 May 2023 hits: 10796
My client says that she is impatient and compelling and does not realize her goals with her team. You don’t need to be the boss to be a leader says this article and I agree.
Here are three actions you can take to hone your leadership skills right now and become a highly respected and influential team member.
Here are six reasons why you shouldn’t worry about putting off to tomorrow what you could do today:
Monday 27 March 2023 hits: 12102Met dit plaatje heb ik mijn client laten zien dat het een vicieuze cirkel is waar zij als pleaser inzit en dat de teleurstelling in de ander op deze manier ontstaat.
Monday 13 March 2023 hits: 10356MOE, zonder fysieke oorzaken, ontstaat vaak niet omdat we te veel GEDAAN hebben. We hebben vaak te veel GEDACHT, GETOBT. Analyses van deze gedachtes helpen ons om de oorzaak te ontdekken. En de realiteit er van te beoordelen.
Monday 13 February 2023 hits: 10590Pagina 3 van 17