Happiness comes mainly from 3 things:
-choosing to be happy with whatever you do
-strengthening your closest relationships
-exercising more to maintain your health
Authenticity is about enjoying a new sense of freedom to be who we really are—ourselves, natural and without a mask in our relationships, our work and our life. It takes courage, commitment and depth to:
Tuesday 30 December 2014 hits: 35729Giving up doesn’t always mean you’re weak or wrong in any way. Sometimes it simply means you’re strong enough and smart enough to let go and move forward with your life.
Wednesday 25 June 2014 hits: 33840Empower yourself! GIve what you want to change a name and it will start living!
Thursday 29 May 2014 hits: 30271Ego is a collection of ideas
The higher we are edged the more our ego takes over.
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