

During my 20-year career as a professional coach, I have challenged and coached many managers and professionals.
Having lived abroad as an expat for nearly a decade, I have special expertise with people who are working in a non-native environment.

Working before as a manager for 20 years, I gained broad experience across business sectors, business functions—and, of course, a deep understanding of people. My business degree and further education have given me a firm foundation for bringing individuals and their desired work lives closer together.

I am a certified European EMCC senior coach. I work according to the Dutch NOBCO Association Code of Conduct. I am associated with  IRC Global Partners.
I am also certified to administer various relevant tests, including Carl Jung’s Meyers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI®), Insights, and OPQ. 

“It is through questions that we develop, so, keep questioning.”


