

Application assessment

  • crafting cv
  • crafting an authentic personal profile
  • writing motivation/cover letter
  • preparing for job interviews

GOAL: Applying for a job in the Netherlands

TIME: 1 live session of 90 minutes and 1-hour online reflection

COST: € 495,00  excluding VAT


The Result: Get excellent feedback on your CV and cover letters and be invited for a job interview.


Career Coaching

  • Personal preference test (MBTI)
  • What distinguishes me?
  • Are my talents future-proof?
  • How do I label myself?
  • In which environment do I thrive the most?
  • How do I take the next (career) step?
  • How do I present myself? Elevator pitch!
  • What is my network and how do I use this?
  • How do I make the right choice (i.e. employment agreement)?

GOAL: Next career step, starting my own business

TIME: 5 sessions of 90 minutes


COSTS: For companies:  €1.500,00 excluding VAT

For private clients, I offer a tailor-made price proposal.

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The Result: A better understanding of your own talent and career motivations /clearer and more succinct view of the next step/new job/new opportunities/interim role vs. employment.