You finally decide to start looking for a new job. You go through a lengthy search process, you’re presented with an enticing career opportunity, and get an offer you’re fully prepared to accept. But when you tell your current employer you’re planning to leave, they surprise you with a counteroffer. Should you stay or should you go? Research shows:
Thursday 07 February 2019 hits: 22692Assumption is probably a word that I use in every coaching session. Byron Katie says: “As long as you think that the cause of our problem is “out there”—as long as we think that anyone or anything is responsible for our suffering—the situation is hopeless. It means that we are forever in the role of victim, that we are suffering because of our thoughts, assumptions.”
Friday 11 January 2019 hits: 23069Dear Clients, Thank you for the nice and pleasant cooperation in the past year. I am inspired by you and learned a lot again: From new perspectives to beautiful dreams for the future. It makes me curious what 2019 will bring us. I wish us a candid year.
Thursday 10 January 2019 hits: 23347Visionary bosses can be exciting, fun, and innovative. But the thought that you are the only one who gets anything done and contributes value, accurse often. Here are some helpful strategies for managing up when your boss gets distracted by too many creative ideas.
Wednesday 21 November 2018 hits: 20574Almost every day I talk about Leadership and learning to listen. We want to talk and explain everything. Also when it comes to giving feedback. But giving feedback starts with listening.
Friday 25 May 2018 hits: 23519Many of my expat clients talk about multicultural leadership. I learned that it involves deep immersion within different cultures to understand their values and specific context. Only through knowing other cultures deeply can we effectively connect the dots between them and highlight meaningful differences between cultures that impact business strategy and collaboration. Address the following 4 issues to understand each other better.
Tuesday 27 March 2018 hits: 24847
" Are you critical about the meetings that you should attend " is often my question when I hear my clients talk about their energy drains. Look at the research figures below:
In the last year I met several people that had a subordinate as a close friend. Having a friend or partner who is a subordinate requires high degrees of trust, explixit communication, bounderies and judgment on both parts. It’s not possible with every work relationship. 5 Tips:
Wednesday 14 February 2018 hits: 37214
1.Ask your coworkers’ to push back. “How do you feel that went, and what could I have done differently?”
The brain operates optimally when it toggles between focus and unfocus., allowing you to develop resilience, enhance creativity, and make better decisions too. Most of us are juggling the demands of many teams and many projects at once. Getting pulled across several different projects can be stressful
In this article I recognized the "what do i really value?" question . Many of us today expand the role of work beyond just earning a living and expect our careers to provide opportunities for personal growth and fulfillment. But when you ask people directly, you don’t always get a clear picture of what they really value.
Friday 21 April 2017 hits: 23626When I read this article I realized again, as a babyboomer, that we have to communicate with our youngest working generation to fill in the possible generation gap!
Sunday 26 March 2017 hits: 21947In leadership coaching I meet a lot of " New School" leaders that are looking for new ways of leadership. They miss creativity in their jobs.
Tuesday 08 November 2016 hits: 26946You need to speak in public, but your knees buckle even before you reach the podium. You want to expand your network, but you’d rather swallow nails than make small talk with strangers. Speaking up in meetings would further your reputation at work, but you’re afraid of saying the wrong thing. Situations like these — ones that are important professionally, but personally terrifying — are, unfortunately, ubiquitous. An easy response to these situations is avoidance. Who wants to feel anxious when you don’t have to?
Tuesday 02 August 2016 hits: 24731You don’t have to be a work addict to be a slave to your smartphone — what Friedman calls “a reactive robot twitching every time you’re called upon.” When “you’re physically present but psychologically absent, you’re saying to the people who are with you that they are less important.” When it comes to digital detoxing, “there is no one solution that works for everyone.” So you should experiment. Here are some suggestions:
Friday 10 June 2016 hits: 24425We’ve all heard of introverts and extroverts, but what if you feel like you’re a little of both? You might be a third personality type—an ambivert—and it can give you an edge in business.
Wednesday 02 March 2016 hits: 25658Page 2 of 3